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District Awards

2025 Community & Recreation Program Award

The California Parks and Recreation Society, District 2, has awarded the Community & Recreation Program Award to North Highlands Recreation & Park District's Paint the Parks initiative. Spanning from the California-Oregon border to Galt, District 2 recognized this innovative program for transforming high-traffic, graffiti-prone park areas into vibrant, interactive spaces. Paint the Parks fosters community engagement, reduces vandalism, and enhances public spaces with creative designs like a rainbow road, a solar system, games painted in parks and a revitalized sports complex. Funded entirely by donations and sponsorships, this program continues to bring color, connection, and pride to our parks. This intiaitive touched 10 parks in a year long period. Congratulations, NHRPD!

Two people standing beside a CPRS District 2 banner; one is holding an award.
Staff members Kayla Thayer and Rachel Robertson-Murray at the Award Ceremony.

2023 District Employee Recognition Awards

The California Association of Recreation and Park Districts recently honored two North Highlands employees.  From more than 65 statewide special recreation and park districts, two NHRPD employees received special recognition from CARPD at their annual conference last May.

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Sergio Portela

Sergio has worked for the North Highlands Recreation and Park District for 48 years in the maintenance division.  Currently, Sergio serves as the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for maintaining district facilities, parks and buildings. It is our understanding that Sergio is the first district employee to be recognized by CARPD as the State of California’s Outstanding District Employee.  This is truly a special honor.  Congratulations Sergio!

Larry Mazzuca

Larry was also recognized by CARPD as the district’s first recipient of the Jim Meredith Award of Excellence.  This award goes to an individual whose efforts support the betterment of the field of parks and recreation.  Larry has devoted 43 years in the park and recreation profession and has served as North Highland’s District’s Administrator since 2014.  However, Larry is planning on retiring at the end of August.  Congratulations Larry!


2021 Award of Distinction



The NHRPD was recently recognized by California Association of Recreation and Park Districts with the Award of Distinction – OUTSTANDING INNOVATION for its Distance Learning Program. This unique program was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic from September 2020 – June 2021, as an education model that would help meet the needs of students and their families in the North Highlands community. In partnership with the Twin Rivers Unified School District, the Distance Learning Program provided an in-person program to the most impacted students in our community; homeless, foster youth, students of single low-income parents, and children of essential workers.

 The California Association of Recreation and Parks Districts Board of Directors selected the North Highlands Recreation and Park District from a list of many well-deserving applicants for this special award by recognizing the district’s outstanding excellence in this meaningful connection with the community. Congratulations NHRPD!

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NHRPD Board of Directors & Staff at Award Ceremony
Board of Directors holding awards

2021 District Safety Awards


 The California Association for Parks and Recreation Indemnity (CAPRI) recently recognized the North Highlands Recreation and Park District with the 2021 Ted Winslow Safety Award.  This award is given to recreation and park districts who score above 90% in eighteen safety categories.  CAPRI represents more than sixty-five recreation and park special districts in California.  CAPRI staff perform an onsite safety visit to each of its member agencies once every eighteen months.  North Highlands Recreation and Park District received an EXCELLENT rating with a score of 96%. Congratulations to NHRPD staff for their commitment to safety!


$2.85 Million Grant Awarded to NHRPD for Sierra Creek Park

The North Highlands community’s dream has now become a reality with the news that the district has been awarded a $2.85 million dollar grant from the State of California’s Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS).

With $548.3 million in grant funding available, North Highlands received one of 112 grants awarded to nearly 500 applicant cities, counties and special districts. 

Sierra Creek Park is a 7.2 acre site, which has a creek that crosses from one end of the park to the other. The conceptual park design will include a series of jogging and walking paths connecting park users to various park amenities.  The park boarders Spinelli School, which will allow for students and staff to access the park for play and educational opportunities.

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who helped make this dream a reality!


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